" Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah"
- Psalms 32:7
I wrote in my last blog that.... I'm not even sure. So much has happened in the last few days. Some very amazing things have happened - for me. I've read some things I wrote years ago in this Blah, Blah, Blah.... Otherwise known as Beaty's Babbling Brain Blog.
Where to begin? Okay. The Warriors are National Champions! The Warriors Championship Parade is happening right now. Write now. That's what I am doing - writing. Watching the Warriors win The Finals has been fun. Fun is Good. Good for me. Good for many. Not so Good for Cleveland, but Cleveland is important to my understanding The Universe. It's my understanding that I must understand. It's very important to me. It's very important to many. For GOD.
When I was first told I would receive housing from The Community Living Fund on the 26th floor of Fox Plaza, I was so excited and completely amazed. I've always dreamed of living in a high rise! GOD's Will? I just hoped I would get an apartment on the side facing the financial district so I could see more skyscrapers and the Bay Bridge. I used to think I wanted an apartment on the south east side of Fox Plaza. I love tall buildings and bridges. Top of the World?
By being placed on the northwest side, I get to see my favorite structure in the world - The Golden Gate Bridge. Which to me means Top of the World. I wrote about it that way back in 2010. I really was on top of the world. Man Smart (Woman Smarter) and I were fortunate enough to got the top of the South Tower of The Golden Gate Bridge. I wrote about it in my blog Top of the World.
In my last blog, Deal, I wrote that sun shined through an opening in the unusually cloudy San Francisco summer sky. The sun light breaking through the clouds was heading towards Top of the World. Which to me, once again, was and is The Golden Gate Bridge. I always love seeing that bridge in the morning, but still used to wish I was on the other side of Fox Plaza. I now know, I was put on the correct side of this building. By the Top of the Universe - God.
Coincidentally enough, when I saw the sun coming through those clouds the ray of light looked like precipitation falling from the clouds. I thought, "Rain? Rain!" We need rain. Then, I realized it was God telling me something.
An old friend of mines voice happened to be in my head at the time. I call her Pearl. Pearl's voice in my head reminded me it was GOD! Before the sunlight reached to South Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge (The tower Man Smart (Woman Smarter) and I got to go to the top of) the cloud slowly closed up. This caused the sunlight to slowly go away and not reach the South Tower. God told me, "I'm not there yet." or is it "We're not there yet."
Either way, earlier that day (before I witnessed the sun coming through the clouds and heading toward The Golden Gate Bridge), I wrote something that I thought would be a blog in the future. It still can be. We'll see. I never thought it would be included the next blog. Warriors. There are too many other things getting ready to happen for me to write about. I had titled that blog Water! It was to be published sometime next month. However, what happened, happened. Still, Water is important. I wrote:
Did you know that California supplies 25% of produce for The United States. Due to our four year drought, California's Central Valley farmers are drilling new wells to reach ground water. This ancient ground water exists from geological changes in earth that occurred thousand or even millions of years ago. Once it is gone, it cannot be restored.
The Eastern half of The United States is very fortunate for the amount of water it receives. Much of the world is relying on this ground water. Countries around the world, such as India, are tapping into this "fossil" water at an alarming rate.
Countries in The Middle East, such as The United Arab Emirates, have already built desalinization plants to turn sea water into drinkable water. In Dubai, these plants supply 98.8 percent of Dubai’s water, with the remaining 1.2 percent coming from groundwater sources.
California has already started recycling waste water. It seems we all may be heading in the right direction. It is important that Californian's and the rest of The United States conserve water. Water is incredibly valuable to world. It as valuable as the air we breathe.
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This is California's Hetch Hetchy Aquifer. It provides 85% of San Francisco's water needs. |
Coincidentally enough, the tallest building in the world is in Dubai. Top of the World! Water is very important to the world. I think people need to believe in God. I need to believe in God. I always said this blog is The Truth. God is The Truth and The Truth is God. Still, I am an addict. God is important to an addicts recovery from active addiction.
The Foo Fighters are one of my favorite bands. It is important that someday I write a blog called Dear Rosemary. It's very important to my understanding. It should include past blogs I wrote or at least quotes from them. The blogs I wrote at different times and different years ago are Psalms 107 (2007), David, King of the Bible (2008) and Rose (2013). There may be some others. We'll see. For now, I need to write about Warriors. "Loose with The Truth, maybe it's you fire. But baby I hope you don't get burned."
President Obama was in town yesterday. Yesterday coincidentally enough was the day of The Warriors parade and celebration! Go figure. He stayed at Union Square. The same place Free was staying when I coincidentally enough decided to call him back in 2013. I even wrote a blog titled Free. I had no idea he as in San Francisco that day. He'd never been to San Francisco. I hadn't talked to him in years. He lives in Colorado. I called him and he just happened to be in in town to see Phish. He had just arrived.
Back in 2010, I saw President Obama and I decided to go to the library and start writing again. I was homeless and there was this Jesus Christ character with a bull horn that morning. I started writing a blog titled, Standing on the Moon.
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"She" was always there for me. "She's" there for me now. Top of the World! |
That blog, Standing on the Moon, began like this:
I saw President Obama yesterday morning. It was pretty cool. He stayed the night in the Intercontinental Hotel. I didn't even know he was in San Francisco until I was walking down 5th street at eight o'clock in the morning. I happened to notice the police had all the streets completely closed at least one city block in every direction away from the hotel. I knew what that meant, because he has stayed there before. I asked the cop on the corner, "Obama back in town?" He said, "yep".
I walked to the corner of 5th and Howard and saw about 100 motorcycle cops getting ready to do their street closing maneuvers ahead of the motorcade. There was also a H-65 Dolphin Coast Guard Helicopter hovering overhead, so I figured he'd becoming out soon. It took about an hour, but he finally did.
While waiting there was this crazy guy with a bullhorn telling everyone they must except Jesus Christ as their savior. I don't say he was crazy because of the Jesus Christ part, I say it because he's crazy. He's a regular around the Powell Street cable car turnaround. He's harmless, but he's so angry. Maybe its just passion, not anger. Either way - he's harmless. The San Francisco cops guarding the corners were even chuckling at some of his crazy comments. They were nice to him.
I then noticed these two guys wearing very nice suites. They also had those things in their ear with the little phone cord-like coils that came up from their collars - obviously Secret Service. I watched their eyes scan the crowd - they knew what they were doing. They kept a particular close eye on the the "Jesus Christ" guy. After a while, they even started smiling at some of his crazy rants.
Then, the motorcade began. Towards the end, were two presidential limos. President Obama was in the second, waving at the small San Francisco crowd that had gathered that morning. It was pretty cool. I saw President Clinton the same way in Minneapolis in 1992. It's pretty cool to see a President. It made me feel a little bit hopeful about my day and life itself. Then, I walked down 6th street and happen to glance in one of the windows of a pawn shop. I saw one of my guitars hanging in the window. My reality was back.
I've referred San Francisco as Heaven and hell on earth. It's been hell for quite some time. I don't even know where to begin. I don't know what I want to write or if should write. All I know is that writing and staying connected with people has helped in the past.
I mentioned that I saw President Clinton in Minneapolis. I'm glad I mentioned that in Standing on the Moon. Because I now realize that it's important for me to keep writing. I was attending a college news paper convention in Minneapolis in 1992. I've seen two Presidents and one Vice President (Al Gore in Cincinnati). Man Smart (Woman Smarter) saw Jimmy Carter when we were, where else? At a Grateful Dead concert in Atlanta, Georgia. He was outside of CNN Headquarters. The show was at The Omni Coliseum which is right next door to CNN Headquarters. My dad had dinner with his favorite president - President Reagan. President Reagan had dinner with a few of Procter and Gambles Ivorydale Plant workers. My dad was one of them.
The first photo I ever framed was of an American flag at Ft. Point at half mast. Ft. Point is a fort built between 1853 and 1861. Instead of tearing it down, they built the Golden Gate Bridge over it. The photo I took was from inside and at the top of Ft. Point. It has the Golden Gate Bridge (Top of the World) in the background.
It's that shot that made me start to realize, I'm a photographer. Writing my dad's eulogy was the first thing I had written in a long time. Before that it was college papers or proposals. I had never written something so... hard. My brothers really wrote it. I asked them what they remembered about them and all three said his laugh. I wrote it that way. I can hear his laugh to this day. I miss him. It's a long story summed up in a blog I wrote back in 2006 titled, Contrails. That blog connects so many things to today. Especially Wharfrats. (A Grateful Dead 12 step recovery group.)
I wrote in Cumberland Blues that I was instructed by Uncle Danny's voice to "Write the short version" I said that was not possible. In fact, I've been writing The Truth since 2006. Three months after my dad died I was pistol whipped on the street I lived in San Francisco. My dad used to say that someone should knock some sense into me. Well.... It's a long story, but it can be understood in the blog Contrails. I am understanding so much more than I thought I ever would by simply going back and reading my blogs. It's Truly amazing - God that is. I'm so glad I wrote my Truth. I can't make this stuff up!
It's proving to me something I always used to express somehow. GOD exists. GOD is The Truth and The Truth is GOD!
The Golden State Warriors are national champions! Remember how I said writing the short version is impossible? It has been. I've been writing for nine years! Most recently in Cumberland Blues wrote:
"I honestly thought I would not publish this blog. It seemed too insane, yet, it's The Truth. It is my self-sustained Truth. Yesterday, I was watching Charles Stanley perform a sermon. I really don't watch him, but I was having a hard morning after a sleepless night. He said that, "if we listen carefully and are patient, God would give us subtly quiet messages." I've always received them that way. I've written about them that way. I prefer to watch and read Joel Osteen. Yesterday, He said that, "people who were struggling, such as addicts, should have a Warrior mentality."
I'm an addict who needs recovery. I've never been a Christian, but I was for a very short time raised in Christianity. I was asked to write and give my dad's eulogy while meeting with a preacher at a Christian church. Man Smart (Woman Smarter) got pregnant with Althea while I was at a Christian program - CityTeam. We were, of course, divorced. In fact, coincidently enough, I just got a call from someone I was in CityTeam with three years ago. I hadn't heard from anyone from CityTeam in at least two years.
I may not be a Christian, but it has connected to some very important events. It's connects me to parenthood, that's for sure. I will also say that some of my clearest childhood memories of my mother were, #1 - The day I found her dying when I was 12. #2 - My mother pouring communion at the Church of Christ we lived next door to in Morrow, Ohio when I was 5. I never understood this part. It was a very confusing time for me. Even though I was only 5, it's becoming more clear.
Speaking of Warrior mentality. This morning, I was on my way to Walgreens and I was wondering about that subtle message that God always coincidently provides. I always have written how it was subtle. It comes moments after I am having thoughts. Messages from God have appeared on billboards, sidewalks (both in chalk and permanently written after poured), railroad tracks and paint and this time, it was a newspaper. I'm a marketing major who has worked for 3 newspapers. I'm now a writer (don't we all understand that?). I began looking around and I saw this:
This was in The Examiner today. I worked for The San Francisco Chronicle. |
Top of the World. I guess I've been writing about that. Remember? I did the moment I saw it. God usually tells me to "keep writing", "I have a story to share" or "I have song to share". This time, it combined another thing about my believing in God - sports....."
I haven't celebrated a hometown championship since the year I graduated high school - 1990. The Reds beat The Oakland A's. I was at a campfire at Free's parents home the night the Red's were in Oakland and won The World Series! We were hanging out with some other friends. Pearl was there.
In 2013, Pearl was moving from Hawaii to Colorado. She spent a little time in San Francisco. I was couch surfing at Not Fade Away's at the time. Pearl's family and I met in the Haight. The timing was... Godly. Not Fade Away, who iw my sponsor coincidentally enough share birthdays - December 7th. The day Pearl Harbor was bombed. See?
There is simply too much to deny, but I'll add that Pearls brother, we'll call Cavalier is a Cleveland Cavaliers fan. Cavalier and I communicated on Facebook quite a bit during The Finals. We hadn't communicated in many years!
The night The Cincinnati Reds won The World Series, Free, Pearl, myself and a few others went to Fountain Square (Downtown Cincinnati) in my Terrible Toyota. Terrible Toyota was a 1980 Toyota Celica that I bought from American Beauty. That car seemed to have autopilot sometimes. Thankfully!
I know this is all so confusing to many, but did I mention that when I was in Minneapolis and saw President Clinton that I also partied with The Oakland A's. They just liked the college girls I was hanging out with and invited us to their suite in the hotel were all staying. I hung out with Jose Conseco, Mark McGuire and the rest of the team.
I had just gotten back from The Big Apple. Minneapolis is called the Mini Apple. I ended up hanging out with a young pitcher who was from New York and lived in Greenwich Village. While in New York visiting Soulshine, we went to, where else? CBGB's! It used to be a hole in the wall punk music club that bands such as The Ramones, The Police, Blondie and many other punk bands got their start. It no longer exists. I hear it moved to, where else? Las Vegas. By the way, Eyes of the World is in Las Vegas tonight. He's working his way to San Francisco for the 50th Anniversary of The Grateful Dead.
Where was I? Oh yeah, Minneapolis - partying with The Oakland A's. The year was 1992. The Cincinnati Red's had just swept The Oakland A's. When I commented to The A's manager, Sandy Alderson (I don't remember his name for sure, I just looked that up.) about his World Series rings, he said, "I'd have another one if it weren't for Cincinnati." He was kind about it, but to the point. The Red's had recently swept them in the World Series. Way to go Reds!
Go Warriors! I needed a championship. Especially against Cleveland! As much as Cleveland means to me, I needed that win. The Bay Area needed that win. I'll admit, The Bay Area has had too many championships, but I never had an NBA team in Cincinnati. The Royals made their way to Sacramento. First stop Kansas City. Next stop, Sacramento. I'm still a Warriors fan!
Which brings me to that Jesus Christ character I mentioned in my blog Standing on the Moon. I recently read some amazing things about... myself? This blog must continue. Dear Rosemary has to be a future blog. It's a Foo Fighter's song. They too are one of my favorite bands. I wrote about them in the past. I'll write about them in the future. Believe it or not, they helped me understand the Bible. They are helping me understand my soul. They are helping me understand GOD!
David, King of the Bible? Hardly. I'm simply David the addict. David the artist. David the writer. The connections from my writings are so undeniable, that they can't be denied. Especially by me. In the past few days I have gone back and found three or four blogs that made some incredibly undeniable connections. Some were written so long ago, that I didn't remember writing what I wrote.
I have always said this blog is The Truth, because it is. Beaty's Babbling Brain Blog is my Truth. I'm so glad I've been writing it for so many years. I always knew something was going on. I knew no one would ever live the life I've lived. It's hasn't been all that good at times. Actually, it's been hell. hell on earth (I can't capitalize the word hell even if it is at the beginning of a sentence). My "insane" life has proven something I always wanted and needed to know. GOD is The Truth and The Truth is God! GOD want's me to write. Right? Write. Read? Right! Write? Right. Read....
Even though I am "Self Centered to the extreme (I am an addict)", this blog I have written for years is very altruistic. God knows what I'm talking about. Altruistic was a word on Jeopardy last night. I've never really used this word. However, I really did write altruistically for so many years. I'm not "tooting" my own horn. I'm tooting GOD's!
- showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish.
Oh yeah, The Warriors won The Finals. We are world champions. They celebrated outside of Henry J. Kaiser Auditorium. Man Smart (Woman Smarter) and I saw members of The Grateful Dead (Further or The Other Ones) perform their on New Years Eve in 200?. I've been to a lot of Dead. Close to 100? I went to hundreds more of show of bands concerts.
I've gotten many miracles! To Grateful Dead shows that is. And, so many other concerts. I used to get at least 20 tickets to every show that came to Cincinnati. I worked for them. I was in advertising sales and we traded tickets for advertising. It was so worth it! I'd take many friends and/or clients to so many concerts back in Cincinnati. We had a good time. And, still, Miracles are happening!
And, Kaiser used to be my insurance before ObamaCare. I've been to Kaiser's emergency, urgent care or ICU too many times. And, the same goes for General Hospital. In fact thought of ten times that I have been to an emergency room for myself "somewhere". And, I've been to urgent care at least that many. I'm not proud of this. I promise. They were a whole lot of physical pain. And, emotional pain as well. I'm I just glad I'm alive. Thank you GOD!
I have to add something to this blog that just happened. I have written two blogs from Sammy Hagar songs. Give to Live and Give to Live (part II). They basically explained how important it is that I Give to Live. The first Give to Live was the last blog I wrote before my suicide attempt. It ended like this:
Please don't think I'm giving up. I'm just trying to surrender. I loved feeling alive! It had been so long since I felt that way. I miss it. I want to feel alive again someday. I must learn from my mistakes. I love so many of you. Hopefully, I will let people know how things are going some day, somehow. I may even write this blog again someday. It may be a while. I will miss it. In order to live, I do need to give. For now, I'm alive and I have 2 days clean. Thank you God.
THE END. (for now)
For now. I'm glad I wrote it like that. I have a future blog planned that will explain how "Treachery is tearing me limb from limb. Aliens have very recently reminded me of how being torn limb from limb is a real possibility. With all that said, my older brother we'll call Trans Am and his son, we'll call Hemi, is at a Sammy Hagar concert in Dayton, Ohio right now.
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He just sent me this photo from the concert! "Alien" |
With that said, I didn't find a Grateful Dead song or a Sammy Hagar song for this blog. I found a Warriors song! This one is from Imagine Dragon. I need to stop chasing that dragon - to hell!
As a child you would wait
And watch from far away.
But you always knew that you'd be the one that work while they all play
In youth, you'd lay awake at night and scheme
Of all the things that you would change, but it was just a dream!
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town.
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town.
From Dust.
Will come, when you'll have to rise
Above the best, improve yourself
Your spirit never dies
Farewell, I've gone, to take my throne
Above, don't weep for me
Cause this will be the labor of my love (my love)
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town
From Dust.
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built
And watch from far away.
But you always knew that you'd be the one that work while they all play
In youth, you'd lay awake at night and scheme
Of all the things that you would change, but it was just a dream!
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town.
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town.
From Dust.
Will come, when you'll have to rise
Above the best, improve yourself
Your spirit never dies
Farewell, I've gone, to take my throne
Above, don't weep for me
Cause this will be the labor of my love (my love)
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town
From Dust.
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built this town
Here we are, don't turn away now (don't turn away)
We are the warriors that built
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