Monday, September 23, 2013


(I think I wrote this blog 7/26/13)

When will a most of my fellow patients learn to bring a pen to all groups.  There is always a sign-in sheet and often opportunities to take notes.  When people don't bring pens, when will they learn that I am not the "go-to-guy" when it comes to ink pens.  Sure, I always have one, but I don't like losing them AND, I don't like standing in line after I already just stood in line waiting for everyone to use it.

Since I was the evening leader I did learn that for the big meetings, one in the morning and one at night, there does need to be a new script written and a "sign-in" system installed.  That system should include a clipboard and a pen attached by a string so that everyone will be able to sign in without constantly having to ask, "Anybody got a pen?"  (9/23/13 - I did write a proposal for this and gave it to my Care Coordinator.  She gave me a clipboard and pen right there on the spot.  I found a thick string and tied them together.  It lasted one meeting and then disappeared.)

I'm still the "go-to-guy" for my work assignment, however, today I was actually able to get someone to agree to work for me the equal amount of time in which she needed me to work for her!  She asked what I was doing today.  I told her I was working.  She said she needed someone to fill in for her.  I told her she could trade me an hour.  She agreed.  Improvement!

My goodness, the other day, one of my "co-workers" told me how she wanted to work more.  This is the one who flipped out on me when I let her know I would start my shift after I took my medication.  Meds start at 4:00.  My shift started at 4:00.  Since I had to work, I got to go the front of line - with lots of grief., of course.  I got to the desk to work at 4:02.

That co-worker is never on-time for her shift.  I know this from the times she starts after me.  She has never been there at starting time.

The other day, she needed me to work for her.  She used her baby talk to ask me.  When I gave her a valid excuse as to why I could not, she transformed into her ghetto, "Nobody will F***ing work for me!"

When we work during a lunch shift, we are to get someone to fill in for us so we can eat.  This is always a challenge.  That same day, no one had come to offer to work for me, so I finally went into the dining area and saw her.  She had just that morning said how she wanted to work more, so I asked her if she could work for me while I ate really quickly. She flipped out on me!  She screamed, "I ain't workin' know ones shift!" 

I will never work for her.  I don't say that about anyone.  Next time she asks, I'll remind her that she "...she never works for anyone," so....  (9/23/13 -  I recall a few days later she did ask me to work for her.  She wanted to smoke a cigarette with 15 minutes left on her shift.  I, as I do for everyone, said, "Sure.  I just have to sign in to the last meeting first."  I had not yet done so.  Then,  while waiting in line to do so, I remembered how she wouldn't fill in for me so I could eat!  I didn't bother confronting her, I just went up the back steps that allowed me to avoid her.)  I hate feeling like this, but I'll appreciate my freedom more someday. 

Things may be changing a bit.  Someone who flipped out on me a couple of days ago just sat down to have lunch with me and apologized.  He said he would not liked to have been treated the way treated me the other day.  He blamed his anxiety.  I really did appreciate it.  He's fighting with people all the time.  He's probably running out of possible friends.  I'll try.

(after lunch)
Just now, someone walked by the front desk and said, "Hi Dave."  I said, "Hello."  He then said, "I just thought I'd be nice to you."  A few minutes ago, someone called in to get a "save plate" for lunch and told me how much they really liked me.  He refers to me as many do here, "The little guy with the cane."

My Care Coordinator really likes me.  So does my Therapist.  They both let me know this this morning in our weekly meetings.  I guess it really does pay to be a nice person.  Even the "hard to get along with" guy wants to be my friend.  It's just become a friendly day.  That sure beats some of the "F*** You" kind of days I sometimes get.  Things will be okay here.  I have faith.

Bright light almost blinding, black night still there shining,
I can't stop, keep on climbing, looking for what I knew.

Had a friend, she once told me, "You got love, you ain't lonely,"
Now she's gone and left me only looking for what I knew.

Mmm, I'm telling you now, The greatest thing you ever can do now,
Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now, It's very easy just...

Met a man on the roadside crying, without a friend, there's no denying,
You're incomplete, they'll be no finding looking for what you knew.

So anytime somebody needs you, don't let them down, although it grieves you,
Some day you'll need someone like they do, looking for what you knew.

Mmm, I'm telling you now, The greatest thing you ever can do now,
Is trade a smile with someone who's blue now, It's very easy just...

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